Michael Khair, MD
Orthopaedic Surgery & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
W.B. Memorial Carrell Clinic
9301 N Central Expressway, Suite 400, Dallas TX 75231
Please call for an appointment
P: 214-720-9356 F: 214-397-1590
Specialties & Qualifications
Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
Orthopaedic surgeons specialize in all aspects of musculoskeletal care. Dr. Khair received additional training in Orththopaedic Sports Medicine. His practice focuses on: arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder, hip and knee, sports injuries, cartilage restoration, open shoulder surgery, shoulder replacement and trauma.
Sub specialties: General Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Shoulder Surgery